From 1998 through 2002, as a Certified Master Hypnotherapist, I assisted individuals in eliminating destructive patterns and habits such as negative self-talk, smoking, self-sabotage, low self-esteem, unhealthy eating habits, procrastination, anger, and poor relationship choices. When I discovered Life Coaching and received professional education and training I made the natural transition to this exciting effective process and rewarding career. Clients are now making life changes more rapidly, have increased awareness, utilize their skills and talents, and take full responsibility for their actions and choices.
I Specialize in Indentifying Frustrating Relationship Patterns and show you how to shift towards loving connection. How I assist: *Inspire you and show you how to have the most connected relationship possible. *I identify blind spots that are sabotaging your relationship and yourself. *Show how to communicate desires in a way that your partner can hear as a loving request. *I quickly identify patterns beneath your relationship conflict. *Help you to turn conflict into deeper understanding. *Inspire you to become ultra-conscious, so you catch yourself in the moment BEFORE acting. *I'll ask you to place your relationship in the highest regard as a life-long priority. I believe: *Courage and vulnerability to take relational risks are necessary. *Relationships are worth it. *Having compassion and empathy for what your partner wants is crucial. *It is sometimes necessary for me as your Coach to take risks along with you. Additional area of Expertise: Anger Management. I help you to become aware of your anger reactions and patterns and help you to shift into calculated responses that are more loving and healthy. I am listed on the San Diego Superior Court resource list .My anger management sessions can be used to satisfy court orders.