I became a real estate agent in 2003 when long commutes to my high tech clients got too onerous. I had worked off and on as a computer consultant and trainer for over 20 years with Eric Drew, the broker I hang my license with today. We share an interest in computers, mapping, and history. He encouraged me and has been a steadfast supporter of many of the high tech innovations we use in our office to prepare unique maps and property presentations. I have kept my sonoma.net web site active since 1995. There is a powerful real estate search function as well as a blog dating back many years with information about market trends, architecture, landscapes, and construction. Today, the history we are making is all about empowering clients with as much information as possible. Email, Dropbox, DocuSign, Google Earth, and other tools have revolutionized the real estate process from start to finish. I think process change is just getting underway.
I specialize in helping buyers find wine country property in Sonoma County. I love working with new clients whether they want to walk to the Healdsburg plaza, craft wines in their backyard Alexander Valley winery, or pioneer a raw piece of land to build their dream home in the hills above the Dry Creek Valley. The search for property has moved online in a giant way over the last few years and buyers come to the table knowing more than they ever have before. Still, buying property, especially in the country, is not a simple task. I enjoy educating my clients until they understand the issues involved in septic systems, wells, surveys, inspections, and title reports. I also share market trends and analytical data to help them see where each property and neighborhood fits into Sonoma County real estate. The buying process also includes a hefty dose of listening on my part. We typically start the property search process with a rough idea from the buyers about a specific type of home or preferred location and a web portal where we can share listings that have potential. By the end of the house hunting adventure the buyers may end end up in a very different location with a completely different type of property than they thought they wanted. That process of looking and refining the search based on listening and watching buyer reactions is a big part of the joy of real estate. Finding the perfect property for my clients and helping them to own it is exceptionally satisfying.