Office have finally been constructed and finally open on 5/24/2016. Thanks for your patience and we are looking forward to providing for the community that we grew up in. Enjoy our new Vision Center addition.
Dr. Corwin Li, O.D., having ventured on his own to work in Livermore Wal-Mart sublease and Fremont Osgood Wal-Mart has decided to continue the excellence in vision care of those before him at his very own location, bringing his own personal touch to a full clinic where he'll be able to provide a greater service to his patients. Come in and browse our frame selection, or to ask about the latest in contacts, or even just stop by and say hi. Dr. C. Li, O.D. is on vision insurance panels, so if you have vision insurance, call in to check if we take your vision insurance. Some major vision insurances can be VSP, EyeMed, Blue Cross, etc. If no vision insurance, no problem, give a call and schedule your appointment. We welcome all our old and new patients to be with open arms.