Founder Chuck Weiner - After earning an Accounting degree from Boston University in 1980 I started an accounting job in downtown Los Angeles. The job required using a TRS-80 Model II computer (this was before the original IBM PC). I learned everything about it, and started programming on it. I opened Computing Solutions as a Consulting / Programming company which specialized on this system. When IBM introduced the PC in the summer of 1981 my original thought was that it would fail. I purchased one anyway, learned it and started programming on it too. The phone started ringing off the hook, and we've been busy ever since. I've been fortunate to be a part of the evolution of the industry and the birth of the Internet.
Family owned and locally operated since 1981. We protect small to medium size businesses from the dangerous possibilities in the technology world while showing them how to efficiently use it in their business. We come to you.