Capelli Capelli is a renowned hair salon located in the picturesque town of Carmel, California. Established in 2001, this full-service salon is known for its exceptional hair color and make-over services, as featured in prestigious fashion magazines such as Voque, Allure, and W. With a team of highly skilled stylists, including Annette Coltelli and Natalie Anicetti, who have trained and worked in top fashion centers in the U.S. and Europe, Capelli Capelli offers a welcoming and upbeat environment for clients to enjoy, along with complimentary consultations to ensure personalized and satisfying results.
With a focus on delivering superior customer service, Capelli Capelli has curated an exciting boutique experience, offering a wide range of high-quality hair products and reliable delivery. Their dedication to research and experience has made them a go-to destination for great shopping in the realm of hair care. Located at 26346 Camel Rancho Lane, Carmel, CA, Capelli Capelli is the ultimate destination for those seeking exceptional hair services in a comfortable and stylish setting.
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