Camp Mariastella is a beloved girls' camp retreat center located in Los Angeles, CA. With a rich history dating back to 1941, this not-for-profit organization, chartered by the Sisters of Social Service, offers a cooperative environment where children and young adults from all walks of life can come together, have fun, and explore their values and dreams. Nestled in the picturesque mountains of Wrightwood, California, Camp Mariastella provides a safe and scenic environment for youth groups from all over Southern California to pause, reflect, and grow.
Under the guidance of dedicated directors Sister Jennifer and Sister Patricia, Camp Mariastella ensures the health and safety of every camper while offering a range of sessions for girls and leadership development programs. With its new location at the St. Edward Retreat Center, adjacent to the Angeles National Forest, campers can enjoy miles of hiking amidst the beauty of pine and oak forests. Whether it's summer, fall, or spring, Camp Mariastella provides a memorable experience where friendships are made, values are explored, and cherished memories are created.
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