Camino Pablo Elementary School is a public school in the town of Moraga that serves students in grades kindergarten through fifth grade. The school is located on the street of the same name, and is a popular weekend destination for local kids who make use of its sports fields. The Town of Moraga has recently undertaken a retrofit of the fields that is scheduled for completion by the start of the 2011 school year.
An elected student council and designated student "conflict managers" help students police their own actions and those of their fellow students. Fourth and fifth graders can participate in a lunch time sports program with designated teachers on Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Fridays, and are given the opportunity to join football, basketball or kickball teams. The school Book Club is a popular way for students to meet and talk about books they like. And, also to mention the Friday afternoon ice cream sales program.
Deborah Roden is the principal of the school.