In 1995, the State of California changed the laws for funeral services. The change allowed mortuaries to open their businesses without embalming rooms and refrigeration on their premises (they are expensive to build and maintain). We found that by not having these rooms at our site, we could cut our overhead and pass the savings on to the families we serve. That decision has helped save our families thousands of dollars.
Cremation and Burial Plans...our family serving yours. We are a family owned and operated business, serving North Coastal & Inland San Diego County. Laws have been passed in California that allow consumers to have price effective funeral service, without losing quality and care. We do not have large facilities, luxury cars and memberships into memorial societies. Our overhead is very low...however, we can provide visitation facilities, vehicles and other services that large funeral homes provide, at a fraction of the costs. Meet us on our website, call for an appointment, we are here to serve your needs. The Jungas Family