If your desire to succeed, wish to see yourself as a winner, you can't imagine what this feels like. Want to resolve issues, change behavior which continually reoccurs. You are about to contact the wright person I am a Consulting Hypnosis specializing in Regression. Discover the cause and release resolve and move forward easily, using the power of your own mind Imagine being able to find the reason you do something and being able to change this. You can. Ever wondered about past life's? Do you believe in reincarnation? Turned the corner and been here before, yet never been to the place before. Feel you know someone really know someone on the first meeting so familiar. Interested in exploring discovery experiencing one of your PAST LIFE 'S. I have studied, trained with the some of the leader's in this field of Hypnosis including Sylvia Browne Mary Elizabeth Rains and Dick Sutphen. Find answers you have looked for, discover why you behave in situations the way you do.