Our focus at the Bell Sports Medicine Institute is to keep active people active. We take care of a wide range of patients, from professional athletes to weekend warriors, from teens to seniors. We also see patients with injuries in the workplace. We are here to get you back to your pursuit of good health, fitness and athletic achievement. If your injury is slowing down your exercising, sports, or workday, we have the latest techniques to get you back in your game. Your experience with us will benefit you and those affected by your injury: including your family, your team, your employer, and those who depend on you and care about you. What You Can Expect: Our goal is to provide the latest in state-of-the-art care, and to exceed your expectations in service of your health and activity. Using the latest diagnostic methods, we will give you a complete and thorough evaluation to find the source of your injury or problem. We will identify the quickest , most effective way to treat it.