Opening Doorways to Change has been helping people from all walks of life to change the patterns and issues in their lives that are blocking their fulfillment and to teach them solid skills for creating more of the inner peace and outer manifestations they are looking for.
I am a Matrix Energetics Certified Practitioner with a diverse background in a wide array of healing arts. My private practice serves people one on one in an intimate setting to help them address and change the most painful and difficult challenges they face. Working with anxiety, depression, fears and phobias, relationship issues and work challenges, unresolved life traumas, creative fulfillment, and conscious dreaming, I help people tap into their own innate inner wisdom and intelligence, while using many cutting edge approaches to change and release pain, distress, and limiting blocks. Matrix Energetics, Energy work with EFT and Reiki, Energy Fundamentals, Reichian Character Structure work, Intuitive Healing, and Guided Inquiry for self-knowledge all combine with your commitment and intention to create new realities for you.