Barbara Epstein & Associates is a renowned production house based in Los Angeles, California, with a rich history of producing and directing over 50 musicals, plays, stunt shows, and industrials. Led by Barbara Epstein, the company has left an indelible mark on the Los Angeles theatre scene, particularly with their award-winning musical revue, A-5678, and their innovative contributions to the worldwide resort theme park industry.
With a portfolio that includes shows like Disney's Broadway at the Top, Universal's Wild West Stunt Show, and The Flintstones Show, Barbara Epstein & Associates has been instrumental in bringing the magic of theatre to theme parks. Additionally, they have produced original shows for Azamara Cruise Line and directed notable productions such as the UK premiere of Irving Berlin's White Christmas. As a supporter of Broadway theatre, Barbara Epstein has also played a role in bringing investors to productions like RENT and Avenue Q, solidifying the company's reputation as a leading force in the entertainment industry.
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