Ping's Acupuncture was established in SCV in 2000. In 2001, we expanded our clinic to accomodate our patients. Since then, many of our patients have become part of our family and continue to visit or refer their friends and relatives. In 2019, we rebranded our name as Bamboo Acupuncture. We provide the same quality service and professionalism patients have come to know and expect.
Our practitioners are specializes in pain management, stress and mental illnesses, rehabilitation, nutrition balance, detoxification, hormone rebalancing, pediatric ailments, and meridian massage. The facility is clean, neat and comfortable. Our staff members are friendly, professional and caring. Most of our patients are referrals from past and current patients, and other doctors. While acupuncture focuses on deep, specific acupuncture points, Ping's meridian massage reaches a much wider surface area, allowing blood and energy to flow more effectively. When both techniques are used together, the results are even more effective. To achieve the best result for all our patients, we provide a free Ping's meridian massage before each acupuncture treatment. For patients whose insurance doesn't cover acupuncture, we provide free consultation. We also offer a senior discount for acupuncture treatment.