Dr. Frederick has been practicing sports medicine for close to 30 years and continues to have a passion for solving problems and maximizing performance. With the addition of Dr. Mathews who specializes in women's health and Dr. Cabrera who brings a passion for health and wellness this team is well prepared to meet your functional goals and health concerns.
Our Doctors of Chiropractic focus on diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of disorders; We use a holistic approach to balance the body and correct abnormal biomechanics. Our doctors specialize in difficult cases dealing with pain and sports medicine. We also specialize in therapeutic Laser therapy: Laser therapy has been proven to have a profound healing affect. The problem, all therapeutic lasers are not the same. If the laser light energy cannot reach the tissues, it cannot affect the tissues. This is why at American Health and Performance Center we have the world's most powerful laser at over 300 times more powerful than any other laser in the USA. With an advances computer control system, it is also the safest high powered laser on the market.