ALFATEK is a Small Business headquartered in Pleasant Hill, California. We are an IT Managed Service Provider and a Software Development Team. ALFATEK is founded upon decades of experience in an array of industries including IT Project Management, Infrastructure Engineering, Backend System Administration, Software Development and support for on-going IT activities in the corporate and government sectors. ALFATEK offers on-site as well as remote management for the enterprise network infrastructures. Covering all of the subjects from managing the Domain Controllers and network peripherals, web-traffic, Firewall Security, Databases and storages to integration with cloud base Saas, Paas and Iaas. ALFATEK also offers in-house software solutions to better assist your business, including our AIMXPERT and MONXPERT platforms that can provide leading-edge productivity assistance to your company.
Alfatek IT expert team designs, maintains and operates for our customers their client-server infrastructure and systems running in Hybrid and Native mode by using a wide variety of tools supported by clients. ALFATEK offers companies a total IT infrastructure management solution. ALFATEK is an IT Managed Services Provider and a Software Development Team. ALFATEK is founded upon decades of experience in an array of industries including IT Project Management, Infrastructure Engineering, Backend System Administration, Software Development and support for on-going IT activities in the corporate and government sectors. ALFATEK offers on-site as well as remote management for the enterprise network infrastructures. We offer services in managing Domain Controllers and network peripherals, web-traffic, Firewall Security, Databases and storage to integration with cloud base Saas, Paas and Laas.