Air Hollywood has grown steadily each year since its inception in 1998. In May 2001, Air Hollywood opened its first aviation-themed studio in San Fernando, CA where it housed a wide-body jet interior and an expansive standing airport terminal set. In July 2003, Air Hollywood acquired a competitive firm's assets, including several airplane mock-ups, props and a rare 35mm stock footage library. In August 2005, Air Hollywood partnered with Getty Images for distribution of its stock footage assets. Air Hollywood has served hundreds of clients, from low budget student films to major television shows, from local commercials to international films. We have worked with every major studio and production company in Hollywood as well as productions from New York, Louisiana, Texas, Indiana, Kansas, Colorado, Washington, and Hawaii. We have also provided sets and props to various international locations such as Toronto, Winnipeg, Vancouver, Mexico D.F., and Tokyo.
airplane mockups, airport terminal, props, set dressing, set design, event production, stock footage, studio space, animal training, security sets