Livescan business was established 2013 Servicing local cities including Palmdale, Lancaster & Rosamond. In 2017, services continued but under new ownership expanding services to local churches, non-profit organizations, charter schools, Department of Social Services, Antelope Valley College nursing students, Law Firms, Notary and Real Estate schools just to name a few. 2019, services expanding to Acton, Bakersfield, Santa Clarita, Los Angeles, Glendale, Montebello and surrounding cities, as well as South Bay Cities.
$30 rolling fee/submission + DOJ & FBI Call for appointment please. 661) 886 - 8212 Accurate Livescan scanner (Kojak). DOJ and FBI approved to roll fingerprints and complete FD-258 Fingerprint card. Licensed Real Estate Agent & certified Notary Public.