Beautiful Acton We moved to Acton in 2017, into a nice home with a good piece of land and great neighbors. We were looking for a place for us and our animals. Acton fit the bill, and in the year after moving we had built our outdoor secured (4ft steel mesh, 400lb deer mesh secured with steel aviation cabling, sides and top) cat zone with cat condos, play platforms and room for the animals to be inside or outside without worrying about the local predators, of which Acton has many (coyotes, bobcats, huge owls and more). We realized that we had space and the wherewithal to handle more kittens that needed rescuing than our previous house in the San Fernando Valley, and so it began, the Acton Up Kitten Rescue. The Acton and Agua Dulce areas are actually full of animal friendly folks (our neighbors do Husky rescue for example) so it was a natural fit for us.
Rescue for Adoption During kitten season and beyond there are so many kittens that are out on their own, starving, trying to survive, we take in kittens from those who have already trapped them and also do our own humane and low-trauma trapping to bring them to our rescue for food, stabilization, health care, socialization, and to find them their forever homes through adoption T N R: Trap, Neuter and Release For older cats, toms, mommas, and the like, that cannot be socialized and are feral, we will go out and trap them, transport them to a trusted neutering organization FixNation, and then bring them back typically in the same day to release them back to their outside home whenever possible. Typically this is to reduce cat colonies and kittens being born with no safe homes. We only trap the mommas after ALL kittens have been collected, since in some instances the momma cats are the only ones keeping the kittens alive in the wild Low cost Fixing and Health Services Referrals We work with several non-profit fixing organizations, veternarians, and groups that can provide services for certain areas and situations at a lower cost then your local vets. Contact us for more information