The Mena High School 40 Year Club, established in 1956, is a vibrant community of former graduates who gather every two years to reconnect with old friends, classmates, and family. With a focus on nostalgia and creating new memories, the club organizes reunions that provide an opportunity to witness the Mena Bearcats play football at the Bob Carver stadium during the Bearcat homecoming weekend. Additionally, the club has a Scholarship Committee that awards funds to deserving Mena High School graduates who wish to pursue higher education.
Through generous contributions from club members, the Mena High School 40 Year Club Scholarship Committee has established an endowment fund with a balance of over $111,000, administered by the Rich Mountain Community College Foundation. This fund provides annual scholarships to support the educational aspirations of Mena High School graduates. The club's commitment to fostering the future of Mena High School graduates is evident in the lasting legacy created through these scholarships.
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