Legend of Eva and Maison Terre Maison Terre was created by Evangeline Arnaud in 1794. She was just 16 when she left her native France and embarked on her voyage to the New World. She had intended to join her uncle Rene in New Orleans, but during the voyage she met and fell in love with an adventurer named Luc. In New Orleans, they married and made their way north to the vicinity of Hot Springs. There, the young couple built a home, which Evangeline called Maison Terre. Evangeline delighted in this new earth, as she called it. Her family had been perfume makers in Provence. Although she was young, she was well-versed in the knowledge of extracting oils from plants and in creating scents and remedies. At Maison Terre, she created new scents and useful products from the plants around her. Soon she was able to make new products that gave pleasure and relief to others. By 1816, her products were being made by all of the members of her household and shipped to New Orleans, and
Maison Terre brings you high quality artisan, hand-crafted products that will aid in your care, uplift your heart and soothe your soul. These products are all natural using the finest oils, extracts, butters and waxes that the earth has to offer. We strive to be sustainable and eco-friendly. Many of our ingredients are certified organic. It is not always possible to guarantee that a raw material is organic due to its origin. Natural materials are also regional products by their very definition. For example, Shea butter is a raw material found in Africa. There is no standard process there for certification. Yet, we do use it in our products for its rich qualities. One must remember that the rest of the world was never as obsessed with high-yield production of agricultural products with growth stimulators and pesticides as is/was the United States. The very certification of