Services, nec, nec, Engine repair, Business services, nec, nec
Assembled Products Corporation
Established in 1983, Assembled Products is the manufacturer of various customer service products, including Mart Cart, wheelchairs and shopper's aids. It also manufactures and markets spray master technologies and commercial pressure washer systems used in food service, convenience stores and supermarkets. Additionally, Assembled Products manufacturers Jotto Desk, the line of mobile accessories and mounting platforms for communications equipment used by law enforcement and other municipal agencies. Its SMT includes spray guns, durable hoses and floor- and wall-mounted hose reels. The company s Jotto Desk provides computer mounts, consoles equipment, cargo slides, installation aides, accessories, face plates, parts, trunk gears and Jotto gears. Located in Rogers, Ark., the company also offers an XTi Hub Motor, a brush motor housed in a geared wheel.