We opened our doors in 2013, but really, we've been building this effort for decades. Our founder, Dr. Cara Osborne, began as a certified nurse-midwife, trained at the Vanderbilt School of Nursing. She went on to receive her doctorate in maternal and child health from Harvard University and eventually teaching at the Frontier School of Nursing. She has practiced in a birth center and in the hospital, spearheaded mobile health maternity projects in Haiti, taught at the Eleanor Manning School of Nursing, and was part of the National Birth Center II research project. Cara thought she would spend her career in clinical practice and academia but she grew frustrated. She had seen first hand as a clinician (and a mom herself) what a special and empowering experience birth can be with the right support, and saw clearly through her research that relationship-based care models were critical to improving birth outcomes. However, few of her friends and family got the care that she wanted for
A boutique birth center designed around you and your family offering maternity & well-woman care, education, and a curated selection of baby products.