I am just a guy who started a chicken coop to save money on eggs. Then I started learning about RoundUp Ready Soy, BT Corn, GMO Canola and antibiotics in conventional feeds. I felt their was no point in raising my own eggs if I was just going to feed impurities. But organic feed cost almost $0.80 per pound, which brought my cost for a dozen eggs to $7.50, plus my time to gather eggs and feed and water the birds......It didn't make sense!, especially when grocery stores sell free-range organic eggs for $4.00 per dozen. I am happy to say a dozen eggs now cost me only, $2.50 per dozen, and they are soy free, corn free, canola free, organic, free range eggs and now these premium USDA certified organic feeds grains and flours available at a low cost through our bi-monthly organic feed grain and flour orders. There are currently over 30 types of feed and food (food grade) available to the local backyard farmers in the Phoenix metro AZ area enjoying these orders every two months.
Baby Chicks arrive April 21st from $6-$10 each depending upon the breed. Next breeds maturing are Easter Eggers, Rhode Island Reds, Leghorn, Buff Orpintons and Columbian Wyandottes. Organic soy free Chick Starter Feed is available for $29 per 50lb bag and Organic Egg Layer feed is $28 for a 50lb bag. We only carry over 30 types of ORGANIC feeds, flours and grains. We are the lowest price of organic feed in the valley. We carry over 30 different types of organic and GMO free grains flours and animal feed rations. We carry both food grade products and animal grade feeds. We formulate our rations without corn at all nor soy when possible, to insure our ration isn't not cross contaminated with cross pollinated organic products. We use Kamut wheat, barley, as a base with other ingredients like field peas, wild caught fish meal and camelina to obtain ideal protein levels in our ration[s] without having to hope our organic corn wasn't compromised by the wind cross-pollinating our ingredients. We carry many breeds of baby chicks. My favorites are the Rhode Island Red, and Leghorns, but we have many more baby chicks for sale also.