Broker/Owner has been a Licensed Realtor since 2007 specializing in Selling, Buying, Commercial, Property Management, Bank Owned/REO/Foreclosures, Short Sales, Commercial, Land, Rent-to-Own, Lease Option to Purchase, Rentals and more...
Invest Smart Real Estate Pros can list your home as low as 4% commission and we also provide Property Management Services with NO upfront cost to homeowners- Our office services both Maricopa and Pinal County with agent's located Valley wide. Call the office today to locate a Realtor nearest you. Invest Smart Real Estate Pros is a Real Estate office located in Glendale, AZ. Our office specializes in assisting buyers, sellers, renters, property management, commercial, land, bank owned / foreclosures, short sales, investment opportunities, lease options and more! Call today to discuss your real estate needs.