Equity Executives started helping buyers in 2010. In the last year alone, we've helped more than 410 families purchase or sell their home. From the inception of the brokerage, we've been building our team with only the best agents that we can find. If they don't provide exceptional services, we don't want them. This helps ensure that our clients receive over the top unique service, that can be very hard to find.
We are in the top 1% in the valley in 2014 and top 5% in the nation. Our team has accomplished this by earning trust and treating our clients with respect. We work with everyone from the first time home buyer to the large investment group. We specialize in residential home purchases and sales. See why buyer's AND sellers have chosen us over 410 times in 2014 alone. Give our team a chance to earn your business, and if we don't provide the best service in the area, simply fire us!