We are a group of small business owners who realized that in this day and age, life is hectic and that the average family needs some help. Whether it's owning a home, raising a family or just getting by in life, there isn't enough time in the day to get everything done. We started Elite Home Management with the goal of providing services that most home owners don't want to do in their spare time. We allow you to spend your free time doing what's most important to you; golfing, taking the kids to soccer games, going out to dinner. Owning a home can be a lot of work. Moving, unpacking, landscaping, pool maintenance, spring cleaning, fall preparation, cleaning filters, turning on or off utilities to just name a few things. Our job is to make owning and taking care of a home easy and less stressful. We do everything that you don't want to do or don't have time to do so that you can enjoy your life.