Mat-Su Computer Medics started serving the Anchorage, Eagle River & Mat-Su Valley in 1999. 2 Years later we grew to the point where we could no longer serve those areas without hiring employees which we tried but quickly discovered that in this type of business it is very difficult to find great technicians that can also be a great representative for the company. In 2002 Computer Medics began selling Franchises of Computer Medics. The first one sold was in Anchorage and to do there are now over 80 Computer Medics Locations in the United States and a few in other Countries. In 2011 we sold the Eagle River Location to Kendall Beckwith and we are now operating the original Computer Medics Location from the Mat-Su Valley.
Computer Repair (Viruses, Hardware, Software) Laptop Repair (Screens, Keyboards, etc) Computer Wireless Networks Computer Wired Networks Data Transfer (Old Computer to New Computer) Data Recovery (If it holds data we can recover it) Web Hosting Web Design