If you want your vehicle to have the shine and flawless look it had when you drove it off the lot, it's time to visit a professional auto detailing service. At Xpress Car Care in Auburn, AL, we provide our clientele with excellent customer service whether they have dents, scratches, faded paint, or odor problems. Our goal is to get you in and out of our shop quickly so that you can enjoy your vehicle's great new look. Xpress Car Care is a fully licensed and insured business that has degrees and certifications from several auto detailing organizations. Our services include: Car wash Auto detailing Headlight restoration Carpet dyeing Xpress Car Care is an auto detailing service that uses thorough techniques and high-quality products to exceed the expectations of customers. Drivers throughout Lee County keep coming back to us because we have a friendly and professional staff that cares about their satisfaction. We're available Monday through Saturday, 8am - 6pm, and Sunday, by appointment. Call us today to request a quote.