We carry cigars, premium cigars, hand rolled cigars, pipes, pipe tobacco, a wide variety of smoking accessories, lighters, ashtrays, travel humidors, desk top humidors, and cabinet humidors. We also have 3 indoor smoking lounges, a covered deck and a smoking garden. We are open late for televised college football and pro football games. Best cigar selection and lowest prices in town. Our experienced staff has over 120 years of cigar and pipe smoking experience. We carry all the major brands and a large line of boutique cigars. We play Cuban dominos every Tes. night until 11:00-12:PM.
The three owners, Chuck, Dave and Rick, were customers at a local cigar shop that closed. Having no place to smoke we decided to open our own shop. We found a stand-alone house, painted it like a Caribbean beach house and went to work. We love it!