About|History Gunocologist, Inc. offers professional full service gunsmithing. An FFL Dealer and Manufacturer also NFA - Class 3. Some services we offer are, Machining, Porting, Threading, Suppressors, Parts Fabrication, Trigger Jobs, Action Jobs, 1911 custom work for carry/competition, Checkering, Custom AR-15 builds, Saiga Conversions, DURACOAT/CERAKOTE finishing. Custom guns built to your needs and physical characteristics. Repair and Restoration of older/new guns, Appraisals, Consignment Sales, New Gun Sales, transfers, Stock Work, Recoil Pads, Sight Work, Scope Mounting & Accurizing, Reliability, Function & Safety Checkups, Cleaning Services, Build your Dream Gun, or just about anything you can imagine! We've been in the buisness for 30 years. A gradutate of the Colorado School of Trades, working on a National Level with Competition, Police, Firearms Trainers, Civilian Marksmen, Self Defense/Concealed Carry. 4960 SW 52ND ST #421 DAVIE, FL 33314 Specialties Custom Gunsmithing, manufacturing, sales, machine shop, consignment, class III, and much more.