About|Need a loan fast? In a bind and need cash quick? Did you inherit a coin collection or some old jewelry? If you said yes to any of these questions or you just want to borrow some money until payday let the friendly professional staff at Central Mega Pawn help you get the cash you need. We offer loans on most anything of value including gold, silver, platinum, diamonds, rubies, precious gems, precious metals, jewelry, broken jewelry, jewelry that needs to be appraised or repaired, gold jewelry, silver jewelry or sterling silver jewelry, old jewelry, new jewelry , custom made jewelry, rings, ear rings, bracelets, necklace, brooches, we also pawn and lend, sell and buy all kinds of tools of all kinds including Hand tools, power tools, electric tools, air tools, drills, saws, reciprocating saws, jigsaws, miter saws, chain saws, concrete drills, concrete tools, carpenter tools, hammers, screwdriver sets, drill bits, vacuums and more, we also pawn and lend, sell and buy all types of electronics like flat screen t.v.'s blue ray players, smart phones, cd players, camera equipment, dslr cameras, digital cameras, mp3 players, radios, videos, cds and more. We also pawn and lend, sell and buy musical instruments such as clarinets, saxophones, guitars electric and acoustic, keyboards, drum sets, bass guitars both electric and acoustic, trumpets, tubas, oboes, symbols and more. At Central Mega Pawn we are known for our inventory and ability to pawn and lend, sell and buy all types of guns including handguns, shot guns, rifles and the equipment and gear that goes with these items. we also pawn and lend, sell and buy old coins and currency, old collectables, antiques, oddities such as pinball machines or movie set pieces, autographs of all kinds including celebrity autographs autographed photos, autographed sports memorabilia and more. casa de empeno Mega central ha estado sirviendo a las necesidades de empeno y de prestamos de residentes en Ontario, Upland, Ontario, Pomona y las ciudades de los alrededores durante mas de 10 anos. Nuestro personal amable y capacitado tiene experiencia en prestamos sobre todo tipo de articulos, incluyendo oro, plata, joyeria, monedas, diamantes, armas de fuego, electrodomesticos, herramientas, computadoras, telefonos cellulares, iPads, camaras, instrumentos musicales como guitarras, saxofones, juegos de bateria y practicamente cualquier cosa de valor. En Central Mega Pawn pagamos los precios mas altos posible y prestamos en mas variedad de artculos que nadie en la zona. Asi que, la proxima vez que necesite algo de dinero extra, visite o llame a los profesionales de Central Mega Pawn.