Denise Villalobos
Certified Financial Planner.
Working in the finance industry since the late ninety's and as an Advisor with Sunlife for over 13 years, offering a wealth of experience.
Offering a full suite of investment options, including:
• Mutual Funds
• Segregated Funds
• GIC's (including redeemable)
• Annuities (fixed term or life options)
• Group Pensions Plan; set up and maintenance
Offering a full suite if insurance protection, including:
• Life Insurance
• Critical Illness
• Health Plans
• Group Benefits
• Disability Insurance
If you are looking for someone who will take the time to sit with you and explain the what and why's, of what you are doing, how the accounts work, what happens once you retire or how it helps or affects you today. As a wholistic advisor Denise makes planning for your financial future or retirement uncomplicated, while also protecting yourself and your family from the unexpected.