The Olds Regional Exhibition, formerly known as the Olds Agricultural Society, is a prominent organization in Olds, Alberta, serving as a vital pillar in the community. With a population of around 9,200 people, Olds is located less than an hour north of Calgary, nestled in the fertile farmlands of central Alberta. The Olds Regional Exhibition plays a crucial role in the region by providing venues and organizing events that cater to the agricultural industry, youth, and rural lifestyles.
From hosting the annual Olds Fall Classic, a premier showcase of top-quality cattle from leading seedstock breeders, to offering the MegaDome as the Alberta Indoor Cycling Centre for BMX Track racers, the Olds Regional Exhibition actively contributes to the development and enrichment of the community. Additionally, the organization actively participates in various community events, including the Santa Claus Parade of Lights during the Olds Fashioned Christmas festivities. With its commitment to agriculture, youth, and community engagement, the Olds Regional Exhibition is an integral part of the vibrant fabric of Olds, Alberta.
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